// create a Cloud SQL instance
$ gcloud sql instances create flights \
--tier=db-n1-standard-1 --activation-policy=ALWAYS
$ gcloud sql users set-password root --host % --instance flights \
--password Passw0rd
// Now create an environment variable with the IP address of the Cloud Shell:
$ export ADDRESS=$(wget -qO - http://ipecho.net/plain)/32
// Whitelist the Cloud Shell instance for management access to your SQL instance.
$ gcloud sql instances patch flights --authorized-networks $ADDRESS
// Get the IP address of your Cloud SQL instance
$ MYSQLIP=$(gcloud sql instances describe \
flights --format="value(ipAddresses.ipAddress)")
$ echo $MYSQLIP
// Create the flights table using the create_table.sql file.
$ mysql --host=$MYSQLIP --user=root \
--password --verbose < create_table.sql
$ git clone \
$ cd data-science-on-gcp/03_sqlstudio
// Connect to the mysql command line interface:
$ mysql --host=$MYSQLIP --user=root --password
use bts;
describe flights;
select DISTINCT(FL_DATE) from flights;
$ counter=0
$ for FILE in 201501.csv 201502.csv; do
gsutil cp gs://$BUCKET/flights/raw/$FILE \
$ mysqlimport --local --host=$MYSQLIP --user=root --password \
--ignore-lines=1 --fields-terminated-by=',' bts flights.csv-*
$ mysql --host=$MYSQLIP --user=root --password
use bts;
select DISTINCT(FL_DATE) from flights;