[O’Reilly Media / Infinite Skills] Introduction to CoreOS Training Video [2015, ENG] : Launching A Development CoreOS Cluster : etcd And etcdctl

Interacting with ETCD

$ etcdctl ls /

$ etcdctl get /coreos.com
/coreos.com: is a directory

$ etcdctl ls / --recursive

$ etcdctl get /coreos.com/updateengine/rebootlock/semaphore

$ etcdctl -o extended get /coreos.com/updateengine/rebootlock/semaphore
Key: /coreos.com/updateengine/rebootlock/semaphore
Created-Index: 5
Modified-Index: 5
TTL: 0
Index: 12383


$ etcdctl mkdir /my_data
$ etcdctl ls / --recursive

$ etcdctl mk /my_data/key myvalue

$ etcdctl get /my_data/key

$ etcdctl update /my_data/key myNewValue

$ etcdctl get /my_data/key

$ etcdctl set /my_data/key2 mykey2

$ etcdctl set /my_data/expiring_key byebye --ttl 5

$ etcdctl rm /my_data/key

$ etcdctl rm /my_data --recursive

core@core-01 ~ $ etcdctl watch /test/hello

core@core-02 ~ $ etcdctl set /test/hello "hello world"
hello world

core@core-01 ~ $ etcdctl -o extended watch /test/hello --recursive

core@core-01 ~ $ etcdctl exec-watch --recursive /foo -- sh -c "env | grep ETCD"

core@core-02 ~ $ etcdctl set /foo/bar 1
core@core-02 ~ $ etcdctl set /foo/bar2 2